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Reading in a Forest


"The Marlin Chronicles" is a unique series of exciting books by Alyson Mountjoy, created by using events from her own life (including many unsettling brushes with the paranormal) and entwining them with research then embroidering them with a thread of artistic licence. This ongoing series provides an appealing combination of supernatural suspense mixed with mystery, horror, crime and romance, historical facts, tears and laughter, magic and a touch of fantasy. These tales have waited a long time to be told. The village of Marlin at the edge of the rugged Cornish coastline exists only in her imagination, as do several other locations used in the books, and the characters in the series are fictional; yet the books are all influenced by the places that she has visited and the combined characteristics of the many interesting people that she has met. [Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of her imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.]

The series so far

These are the current titles in the series; they are intended to be read in numerical order, as below. They are all available to buy via Amazon internationally in Kindle format, paperback, and free to those who subscribe to Kindle Unlimited. Below each book cover, there is a link to the Amazon listing for further details and to buy, (where it says "Click here").


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"The Marlin Chronicles"

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